Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sorry and....FOOD!

For awhile now, I've reduced this blog to a big fat advertisement. Sorry about that, guys! I've just been in an "expressing myself via writing" funk. I'm sure you're all buying my tickling, ballbusting, and other random videos, right? :) I'm gonna keep advertising on here occasionally, of course, because these videos are how I make my living, but I'm also going to use this blog as an outlet for myself and hopefully I will write about things that are of interest to you or at least entertaining for you to read. :) So many apologies for abandoning it!

I am currently counting calories and using the http://www.DailyPlate.com system. It tells you how many calories to eat if you want to lose 1, 1.5 or 2 pounds per week depending on your day-to-day activity level, height, current weight, etc. To lose 1 pound per week with moderate activity level (meaning I do household chores, take walks with my dog, exercise every so often), I can eat 1757 calories per day. So I eat stuff and then I type it into the website (or the IPhone app) and it tells me how many calories it was. It's really pretty easy and it's started to work. I know, I know, I'm not overweight or anything, but I would like to lose 5-10 pounds. Since I started doing this I've lost almost 5, so it's pretty awesome. I also give myself one "cheat day" in which I don't worry about counting calories and just eat whatever I want (without going TOO crazy). :) The "cheat day" keeps me sane and allows me to not have to completely eliminate pizza and ice cream from my diet. Pizza is probably the worst thing. Well, pasta is, actually. It's loaded with carbs, which is why you feel so good when you eat it! At least I do. But seriously, 1 cup of pasta is 800 calories alone without even putting marinara on it! I almost cried when I found that out.

Okay, I could talk about this all day, so I'll stop! Truth be told, I LOVE food. I'm really lucky that I'm not genetically predisposed to fatness. And luckily, I like healthy food just as much as unhealthy food.

I get serious cravings for Indian food. Especially tikka masala sauce. Yum! I also get cravings for macaroni and cheese. And burritos! What do you get cravings for?

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